TBS Lipo Charge Bag

A large, high quality charge bag from TBS

Lipo saftey is extremely important! Charging, storing and traveling with lipo's can be dangerous. Reduce the risks of outof control fires with a lipo charge and storage bag.

Keep your LiPos in a safe place and travel with style - all in one. The first LiPo bag in the world that doesn't scream "fire hazard" whenever you pop it out. Calm black design with safety-minded, professional icons, ensuring you right of way at all airport security checkpoints. 

The text explains the current IATA dangerous goods regulations and your rights as passenger to carry the LiPos with you in carry-on luggage. What could a safety officer possibly say against something that is printed in white onto such a stylish black pouch? Laugh at your buddies who get their LiPos pulled because the label on their pouch mentions the word "fire" and "explosion" in every other sentence.

The velcro straps are super-strong, the inside is fiber material which doesn't burn and keeps the fire contained should something bad happen. Ideal for charging your LiPos, transporting them to your field or taking them along for travel.

Quality finish head to toe. In other words, business as usual.

Size: 23 x 30 cm.






Team Black Sheep


2 In Stock

A large, high quality charge bag from TBS

Lipo saftey is extremely important! Charging, storing and traveling with lipo's can be dangerous. Reduce the risks of outof control fires with a lipo charge and storage bag.

Keep your LiPos in a safe place and travel with style - all in one. The first LiPo bag in the world that doesn't scream "fire hazard" whenever you pop it out. Calm black design with safety-minded, professional icons, ensuring you right of way at all airport security checkpoints. 

The text explains the current IATA dangerous goods regulations and your rights as passenger to carry the LiPos with you in carry-on luggage. What could a safety officer possibly say against something that is printed in white onto such a stylish black pouch? Laugh at your buddies who get their LiPos pulled because the label on their pouch mentions the word "fire" and "explosion" in every other sentence.

The velcro straps are super-strong, the inside is fiber material which doesn't burn and keeps the fire contained should something bad happen. Ideal for charging your LiPos, transporting them to your field or taking them along for travel.

Quality finish head to toe. In other words, business as usual.

Size: 23 x 30 cm.





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